What’s Local Marketing?

Strategy & Planning

According to a study shared by Search Engine Land, 50% of people go to the store or business they searched for within a day of that search. Additionally, 60% of people have made use of the information they found on local online ads and on a business's website.

Public Relations

A Marketing expert will tell you that well-planned public relations campaign are often far more effective than advertising. We will assist you in developing and creating the core of your public relations campaign.

Sales And Training

If you’ve been in sales for a while, chances are you use sales scripts to make cold calls. And even if you feel scripts are unnatural and impersonal, you’ve probably used them anyway because they were the only way you knew to start a conversation with prospects Maybe you’ve even made some sales using scripts.

Social Media

Have you ever been looking at your Twitter feed and you see a tweet come through from a business that is just out of line? The tweet just makes you cringe and you want to delete it for them. It also makes you wonder “What were they thinking?” We’ll show you a few of them in hopes that we will all learn from them and not make this mistake.